Jupiter protocol support

The Jupiter Routing Switcher Control Protocol is used by Philips and GrassValley products. It uses a RS422 connection with 38400 bps. The implementation in the M.1k2 currently only supports the CONNECT CROSSPOINT command on the receiving site.

Jupiter Configuration

Configuration → Device → Plugin Configuration → Jupiter

Jupiter configuration

Set matrix (usually 0) and level according to the configuration for the port on the controller the M.1k2 is connected to.

Jupiter Security

If you want to restrict the Jupiter plugin to parts of the M.1k2, please choose a fitting permission class for the 'jupiter' plugin - or create a new permission class to suit your needs.

Questions? Suggestions?

If you have questions, found a bug or need new features, please do not hesitate to contact us: support@directout.eu.

Text and images © 2014 DirectOut Technologies, 04.03.2014