SWP08 protocol support

You can control the audio, serial and MIDI matrix with the SWP08 protocol. This way you can easily integrate the device in a VSM setup, for example.

Connecting to SWP08

TCP/IP: Connect to the device on port 2323.

Serial connection: Make sure the serial variant of the SWP08 daemon is running (Configuration->Device->Plugins->SWP 08 (serial connection)). Make sure the input and output of the serial interface you want to use is connected to the controller (Routing->Serial Matrix) and the bitrates are identical on the controller and interface. The serial variant of the SWP08 daemon will follow any of the bitrates you configure.

SWP08 usage

You can use three matrices and configure all routing points, unless restricted by the local user managment for the swp08 plugin.

MatrixID1Mute channel2

The fourth matrix, 'Ports', allow you to route complete ports in the same way as the port matrix. As it is not possible to signal a 'mixed XP configuration' per port, only the first audio channel is used to indicate the routing for a port to the SWP08 controller.

1 SWP08 uses a 4-bit 'matrix' and a 4-bit 'level' value to identify what crosspoints ('tally') to change. The matrix IDs above are the 'matrix' values, the 'level' must be 0. If you use your own SWP08 implementation: The values are 0x00 (audio matrix), 0x10 (serial matrix) and 0x20 (MIDI matrix).

2 The channel numbers above are the IDs used by the SWP-08 protocol, which start at channel 0. Some applications, e.g. VSM, may show you the channels starting with 1 in the control surface. If the latter is the case, use channels 1025/32/32 resp.


As of july 2013, the SWP-08 implementation in the M.1k2 has been tested with the following controllers:

SWP08 implementation

The implementation in the M.1k2 is based on the protocol version 23 as of december 10th, 2003. Not all commands of the SWP-08 protocol are implemented since some don't make much sense on the M.1k2. You can set and query crosspoints and locks, and you can query channel labels.

1 [0x01]Crosspoint InterrogateX
2[0x02]Crosspoint ConnectX
8[0x08]Dual Controller Status RequestX
10[0x0A]Protect Interrogate
12[0x0C]Protect Connect
14[0x0E]Protect Dis-Connect
17[0x11]Protect Device Name Request
19[0x13]Protect Tally Dump Request
21[0x15]Crosspoint Tally Dump RequestX
25[0x19]Router I/O Parameter Interrogate
27[0x1B]Router I/O Parameters Connect
29[0x1D]Master Protect Connect
41[0x29]Diagnostic Request
76[0x4C]Status Configuration and Enable Flags Request
79[0x4F]Error and Status Request Message
100[0x64]All Source Names RequestX
101[0x65]Single Source Name RequestX
102[0x66]All Destinations Association Names RequestX
103[0x67]Single Destination Association Names RequestX
104[0x68]All UMD Labels Request
105[0x69]Single UMD Label Request
111[0x6F]Crosspoint Tie-Line Connect
112[0x70]Crosspoint Tie-Line Interrogate
114[0x71]All Source Association Names Request
115[0x72]Single Source Association Name Request
120[0x78]Crosspoint Connect On Go Group Salvo
121[0x79]Crosspoint Go Group Salvo
124[0x7C]Crosspoint Salvo Group Interrogate
129[0x81]Extended Crosspoint InterrogateX
130[0x82]Extended Crosspoint ConnectX
138[0x8A]Extended Protect Interrogate
140[0x8C]Extended Protect Connect
142[0x8E]Extended Protect Dis-Connect
147[0x93]Extended Protect Tally Dump Request
149[0x95]Extended Crosspoint Tally Dump Request
153[0x99]Extended Router I/O Parameters Interrogate
155[0x9B]Extended Router I/O Parameters Connect
228[0xE4]Extended All Source Names Request
229[0xE5]Extended Single Source Name Request
230[0xE6]Extended All Destinations Association Names Request
231[0xE7]Extended Single Destination Association Names Request
232[0xE8]Extended All UMD Labels Request
233[0xE9]Extended Single UMD Label Request
248[0xF8]Extended Crosspoint Connect On Go Group Salvo
252[0xFC]Extended Crosspoint Salvo Group Interrogate
Text and images © 2015DirectOut Technologies, 16.02.2015